Mini sized Greens!

Imported Mini sized Plants and Cactuses from South America! This means, that some plants and cactuses you see may not be available here in M'sia! But fret not, they can all grow in our local climate..

Each mini plant or cactus is bottled up in a light-weight and compact container. You may strap it onto your phones, cameras, Keychains, or simply place it on your office table to cheer up your day! It's also a very thoughtful and meaningful gift for a special friend or loved ones...

Size: Width - 1.5cm, Height - 3.5cm

These mini plants or cactuses are very easy to grow and maintain. They do not need constant watering or sunlight. Please read on to find out how you can grow one yourself! And when you feel that your mini plant has occupied the space in the casing and wish for it to grow further, have it transplanted to a bigger pot and it will grow and some may even bloom flowers!

Transplanting Your Miniplants


Tools Needed:
1. Sharp-tip Pliers
2. Paperclip
3. MiniPlant
4. A pot filled with soil and sand


1) When you feel the plant has occupied the entire space in the casing;  
and you wish to let the miniplant grow further, its time for transplanting.

2) Use a set of pliers to remove the plant from its casing.

1) Use a needle or paper clip to push the plastic top off from the watering hole located at the bottom of the miniplant.

1) Then you can move the entire miniplant with its original soil into the new pot.

Watering Your Miniplants

1.   Fill a small bottle cap, bowl or container cover with half an inch of water;

2.   The well- dried miniplant will soak up the water from the bottom holes within 5 minutes;

3.   The soil will turn into a deeper colour after taking the miniplant out from its watering dish;

4.   Wipe away the excess water at the bottom.

M020 Glory Cactus - RM 15

Plant Name: Glory Cactus
Family : Crassulaceae
Watering: 30~40 days
Sunlight: Light Shade to Part Sun
Temperature: 0~55 °C
Frost Tolerance: 25°F (-4°C)
Heat Tolerance: Needs light shade in summer in Phoenix
Sun Exposure: Light shade
Origin: Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul)
Growth Habits: Solitary, up to 6 inches in diameter (15 cm), 6 inches tall
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer. Keep rather dry in winter, rot easily if the substrate is wet and cold, tends to lose its roots in winter.
Propagation: Seeds
Blooming Habits:
Deep pink flowers, 1.5 inches in diameter (4 cm) with whitish or yellow centers in the spring.
 Miniplants Fully Grown:

M019 Emerald Angel - RM 15

Plant Name: Emerald Angel
Family : Crassulaceae
Watering: 15~20 days
Sunlight: Light Shade
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 20°F (-7°C)
Sun Exposure: Light shade to part sun
Origin: Mexico
Propagation: Leaf cut

Miniplants Fully Grown:

M018 Pink Jade - RM 15

Plant Name: Pink Jade
Family: Crassulaceae
Watering: 20~30 days
Sunlight: Light Shade
Temperature: 1~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 25°F (-4°C)
Heat Tolerance: Light shade in Phoenix
Sun Exposure: Light shade to shade
Origin: Mexico
Growth Habits: Succulent perennial, 6 to 8 inches tall (15 to 20 cm)Turn bronze red in the sun, but Phoenix summer sun cooks them.
Watering Needs: Little to moderate water
Propagation: Leaf cuttings
Blooming Habits:Reddish yellow flowers in winter.

Miniplants Fully Grown:

M017 Nymph's Tulip - RM 15

Plant Name: Nymph’s Tulip
Family: Crassulaceae
Watering: 20~30 days
Sunlight: Light Shade to Full Sun
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Heat Tolerance: Cannot take direct sun in summer in Phoenix
Sun Exposure: Produce flowers in full sun, look better in the shade
Origin: Western South Africa
Growth Habits: Subshrub, up to 4 inches tall (10 cm)
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer in Phoenix, fairly drought tolerant elsewhere
Propagation: Cuttings
Cultural Practices:
Crassulas are sensitive to mealybugs.

Blooming Habits:
Numerous campanulate white flowers

Miniplants Fully Grown:

M016 String of Pearls - RM 15

Plant Name: String of Pearls
Family: Asteraceae
Watering: 7~10 days
Sunlight: Light Shade
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Avoid any frost
Sun Exposure: Light shade
Origin: South Africa (Cape Province)
Growth Habits: Mat forming creeping succulent, stems up to 2 foot long (60 cm), Round leaves 0.5 cm
Watering Needs: Regular watering
Propagation: Cutting
Miniplants Fully Grown:

M015 Golden Barrel - RM 15

Plant Name: Golden Barrel
Family: Cactaceae
Watering: 30~40 days
Sunlight: Full Sun
Temperature: 0~55 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 14° F (-10°C) for short periods
Minimum Avg. Temperature: 55°F (12°C)
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Origin: Mexico (Queretaro) where it is endangered in the wild
Growth Habits: Cylindrical, slowly growing to 3 feet tall (90 cm), 3 feet in diameter
Watering Needs: Water generously in summer
Propagation: Seeds

Story: The Golden Barrel is one of the most common landscape cactus in the American Southwest. It is popular for its golden spines that keep looking attractive after several years.
The young Echinocactus are often available on the cactus displays in garden centers. They look quite different from the mature specimens. As the other Echinocactus and Ferocactus seedlings, the rib structure is not yet apparent, and they have pronounced tubercles making them look superficially like Mammillarias.
Blooming Habits:The Golden Barrel has 1.5 to 2 inches (4-5 cm) yellow flowers from end of March to end of April. The flowers are produced only on mature specimens receiving enough full sun. The flowers are not very visible being small in relation with the size of the barrel, and lost into the creamy colored wool at the top of the globe.
Miniplants Fully Grown:

M014 Star Cactus - RM 15

Plant Name: Star Cactus
Family: Cactaceae
Watering: 30~40 days
Sunlight: Light Shade to Full Sun
Temperature: 0~55 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 20°F (-6°C) for short periods
Minimum Avg. Temperature: 50°F (10°C)
Sun Exposure: Full sun to light shade
Origin: Highlands of central and northern Mexico
Growth Habits: Columnar cactus, up to 2 feet long (60 cm) by 8 inches in diameter (20 cm); 4 to 6 ribs (usually 5); no spines;
Watering Needs: Moderate water in summer. Needs dry winter rest.
Propagation: Seeds that germinate rapidly. Some cultivars are grafted. They take up to 6 years to bloom.

Story: The Bishop's Miter is an attractive cactus, relatively cold resistant. The stems can be over 3 feet long and 8 inches in diameter (1.2 m by 20 cm). The name 'Astrophytum comes from the Greek for "star plant". The number of ribs vary from 4 to 8.

Cultural Practices:The Astrophytum myriostigma grows much faster with fertilizer in spring and summer, and regular water throughout the summer. Keep dry as soon as the temperature starts dropping in October. Although it is one of the easier Astrophytum to grow, they tend to rot at that time of the year, if kept wet.
Its color tends to richer and darker when grown in light shade. Mealy bugs and root mealy bugs can be a problem.
Blooming Habits:The glossy yellow, sweet scented flowers appear continuously during the summer. They are followed by a reddish fruit, 1 inch in diameter (2.5 cm). The plants known as A. coahuilense have a reddish orange throat.
Miniplants Fully Grown:

M013 Bloom Cactus - RM 15

Plant Name: Bloom Cactus
Family: Cactaceae
Watering: 10~15 days
Sunlight: Full sun
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy in Phoenix to 15°F (-10°C)
Minimum Avg. Temperature: 50°F (10°C)
Sun Exposure: Full sun to light shade
Origin: Argentina (Catamarca)
Growth Habits: Green ball to 3 inches in diameter (8 cm)
Watering Needs: Moderate in summer, keep dry in winter
Propagation: Seeds Story: The genus name "gymnocalycium" comes from the Greek for "naked calyx" referring to the flower buds bearing no hair or spines.
Cultural Practices:Feed with a high potassium fertilizer every 2 weeks in summer
Blooming Habits:The Gymnocalycium baldianum produces 1.5 inches in diameter (4 cm), white, pink, orange or bright red flowers in spring and summer. It is fast growing and can bloom one year after being sown
 Miniplants Fully Grown:

M012 Minibocho - RM 15

Plant Name: Minibocho
Family: Asphodelaceae
Watering:10~15 days
Sunlight: Shade to Light Shade
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 30°F (-1°C)
Sun Exposure: Light shade to shade
Origin: South Africa (Eastern Cape Province, north of East London)
Growth Habits: Heavily clumping stemless rosettes, up to 3 inches in diameter (7.5 cm), 20 to 25 leaves, becoming reddish with too much sun or not enough water.
Watering Needs: regular water
Propagation: Clusters/offsets freely.
Miniplant Fully Grown:

M011 Green Cactus - RM 15

Plant Name: Green Cactus
Family: Cactaceae
Watering: 30~40 days
Sunlight: Light Shade to Part Sun
Temperature: 0~55 °C
Sun Exposure: Light shade
Origin: Southeastern South America
Growth Habits: Slowly clumping when mature, up to 6 inches tall (15 cm), 6 inches in diameter (15 cm)
Watering Needs: Regular water in summer. Keep rather dry in winter, rot easily if the substrate is wet and cold, tends to lose its roots in winter.
Propagation: Seeds
Blooming Habits:
Yellow flower, over 2 inches in diameter (5 cm)
Miniplant fully Grown:

M010 Angel Rose - RM 15

Plant Name: Angel Rose                                              
Family: Portulacaseae
Watering: 10~15 days
Sunlight: Full sun
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Heat Tolerance: Excellent
Sun Exposure: Full sun
Origin: Brazil
Growth Habits: Tender annuals 6 inches tall (15 cm), 14 inches in spread (35 cm)
Watering Needs: Occasional watering is OK, but they do better with a regular supply of water.
Propagation: Seeds, offsets

 Miniplant Fully Grown:

M009 Golden Marble - RM 15

Plant Name: Golden Marble
Family: Cactaceae
Watering: 15~20 days
Sunlight: Part Sun
Temperature: 1~50 °C
Miniplants Fully Grown:

M008 Blue Jade - RM 15

Plant Name: Blue Jade
Family : Crassulaceae
Watering: 15~20 days
Sunlight: Light Shade
Temperature: 1~45 °C
Frost Tolerance: Hardy to 25°F (-4°C)
Heat Tolerance: Light shade in Phoenix
Sun Exposure: Light shade to shade
Origin: Mexico
Growth Habits: Succulent perennial, 6 to 8 inches tall (15 to 20 cm)
Watering Needs: Little to moderate water
Propagation: Leaf cuttings
Miniplants Fully Grown:

M007 Little Gem - RM 15

Plant Name: Little Gem
Family: Crassulaceae

Watering: 20~30 days
Sunlight: Light to Full Sun
Temperature: 5~45 °C
Origin: Central America
Growth Habits: Growing in cluster, height 4cm.
Turn red w/ full sun in Autumn.
Watering Needs: Keep dry in summer
Propagation: Cuttings
Blooming Habits: Yellow flowering

Miniplant Fully Grown: